End of the week, interminable and wonderful
What will we see as we stare into our lakes of reflection?
The week just past?
Or thoughts of the week before us?
Weather deals its weekly hand
Go for a walk
Family picnic
Or Slaves to a Sunday Roast
The freedoms of our random choices
A sunny peaceful, bright, charming, the resting calmness
Serenity fills your space
The choice to animate or inanimate
Or Sunday hectic with frenzied flows
Hear a Church Sermon
The weekly lesson told
Be good to thy neighbour
A message that never grows old
Torpid and sensual
Voluble and Social
The Finest, The Gravest
Long and Copious
When Sunday comes will it reflect our souls’ desires, the living drama
Or is this just The Sunday Karma.
- Sebastian Melmoth